Creative Revenue Streams For Your Studio
Every studio has the “extras” that bring revenue into the studio above and beyond dance classes. You may have a dancewear area that sells all the gear your dancers need. It may or may not include a section with the studio logo on the apparel, or dance themed toys. All of these are solid ways to add to your studio’s revenue, but there are also some others that you may not have considered, and the more creative you are the better chance you have at creating new and successful ways to support your studio. Here are some ways that we have been able to give our studio a boost:
- Theme Nights/Parties: Several times throughout the year our studio hosts Theme Nights that are geared toward the current holiday (Spooky Halloween Parties, Holiday Parties, Easter, etc) or other fun ideas like a “Minute To Win It” game night. They are events that require a fee to register and they usually run 2-2.5 hours. We give the parents a choice of dropping-off or waiting in the lobby. These parties include lots of games, sometimes a craft or even cupcake decorating, relays, snacks, and of course, dancing! They are always a big hit and tend to fill up fairly quickly. Our teachers are able to come up with their own ideas for these theme nights, and they definitely enjoy having another way to add to their revenue by hosting them as well! You can even break our Penny Prima: Royal Tea Party Camp down into a series of 5 mini one-night camps.
- Summer Camps: Camps are a great way to expand your studio’s offerings during the summer. We run ours 5 days a week for 2.5 hours during the day when we aren’t holding summer classes. They have themes that range from Disney dancing, Jedi Training, Superheroes, Princesses, Rock Star, and of course Penny Prima! We also offer evening camps on weeknights that will allow our dance parents to have a nice dinner while their kids hang out at the beach, the carnival, or learn the latest viral Tik Tok dances.
- Workshops: If you aren’t holding workshops yet, they are a great idea! A lot of the time they will bring in dancers that aren’t yet a part of your studio, and they can be geared to Musical Theater, Hip Hop, or the many styles of Jazz. You can also partner with professional dancers to add value to your studio’s offerings.
- Penny Prima: Finally, a great way to add another revenue stream to your studio is to bring in our very own Penny Prima. You can become an affiliate and earn money for your studio with your own affiliate link while our team in NY handles all ordering, customer service, manufacturing, logistics, packaging, and shipping. You could also opt to become a wholesale reseller and increase your profit margins. We also have a great Classroom Bundle and Royal Tea Party Camp that has everything you need to start an amazing and fun camp program right out of the box!
As we all continue to rebuild, recover, and rebound together, adding different ways to boost your studio financially will be a huge help, and will also add value for your students! We can’t wait to hear how your ideas are building new revenue streams for your studios!

Erin Sforza studied dance from childhood through college. She received a BA in both Musical Theatre Performance and History from the University of Tampa, and has utilized aspects of both degrees working in the hospitality industry, as an Event Coordinator for the Heckscher Museum of Art in Huntington, and as the PR/Marketing Coordinator and Group Sales Coordinator for the CM Performing Arts Center. She currently manages Public Relations for the Penny Prima® brand and Dance Connection.